Dora Kyprioti


Dora Kyprioti is a specialist and a master trainer in Cosmetic and Medical Permanent Makeup and founder of the beauty school “EvaBeauty Studies” in Athens Greece, that was established in 1996.
She is the head educator for PMU and official ambassador of Nouveau Contour for Greece. She has 20 years of experience and has implemented more than 2.000 permanent makeup treatments.

The Trip to Permanent Makeup

Her studies in Art have taught her to show beauty in everything, which has made her to involve with the beauty industry. Her occupation with makeup is what made her come to what she loves and became her passion – Permanent Makeup. Initial training in architectural design and painting has boosted her creativity and problem-solving skills, skills that promote the art of Permanent Make-up.

Continuous Updates & Collaboration with European Houses

As a supporter of lifelong learning, Dora has been trained in Aesthetic and Medical Permanent Makeup, Aesthetics and Cosmetology in several countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Poland and Holland.

Pioneer in Permanent Makeup Training & Treatments

In 2000, Dora was the first to provide technical training for Permanent Makeup in Greece. Education, for her, means professional awakening and improvement.

Her training programs are selected by beginners and professionals from Greece and abroad, who desire to learn the art of PMU. To date, she has trained hundreds of beauty professionals. A lifetime goal of hers is to contribute to the exceptional training of the next generation of Permanent Makeup Professionals.

International presence

Dora Kyprioti has participated as a speaker in international conferences for Permanent Makeup in China and Holland, where she presented and demonstrated her own techniques on stage. She has been invited as a special lecturer and/or judge at various PMU events. More over, she offers training in colleges and universities overseas.

Internal motivation

Her belief is that every woman can have the beauty she desires and that through Permanent Makeup she will gain self-confidence and that will have a positive effect on her life. The smile and the satisfaction in the eyes of a woman, as well as the sense of offering, are important incentives to continue her work while taking part in events of a social nature such as “Confidence Day” at the World Week Against Breast Cancer .

Hers Vision

Dora’s life long vision is to highlight natural beauty and empower women’s self-confidence.